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Gostaria de saber mais sobre a lei?

O que outras pessoas estão dizendo

Os centros jurídicos comunitários são dedicados a fornecer programas de educação jurídica para grupos e organizações comunitárias.

Os seminários e oficinas de educação jurídica comunitária são uma maneira eficaz de tornar nosso sistema jurídico mais acessível e compreensível. Os centros adaptam os programas de educação comunitária para que os participantes:

O que outras pessoas estão dizendo

  • Maior acesso a informações legais

  • Compreender seus direitos e obrigações legais

  • São dadas informações para evitar problemas legais

  • São capacitados e podem ajudar a si mesmos

Free legal
Free legal
Free legal
Free legal
Free legal

Examples of Community Education Seminars previously conducted include:

Family Law Information - Residence, Contact, Child Support and general Family Law conducted for Parents Support Group

Domestic Violence and Restraining Orders

Debt and Bankruptcy 

Youth and Children's Rights conducted for schools/universities, youth workers and the Police

Understanding the Social Security System conducted for universities, TAFE workers and community groups

Disability discrimination Issues 

Neighbourhood Disputes - Mediation conducted for the community 

Divorce and the Law conducted for social workers, women's and men's groups and community organisations

If your organisation or group is interested in hosting a seminar, please discuss your needs with your nearest community legal centre or one of the specialist centres. 

We acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which our offices stand and we pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging.

We acknowledge the sorrow of the Stolen Generations and the impacts of colonisation on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

We also recognise the resilience, strength and pride of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

©2024 by Community Legal Centres South Australia   

 Phone 1300 860 529

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